The Book of the Lawful and the Unlawful, English translation from the
original Arabic by Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazzali d.505AH, in which the lawfulness of monetary dealings and transactions are studied. (Cambridge, UK: Islamic Texts Society, to be published in 2014)
The Destitute, English translation from the original Arabic "Kitab
al-Masakin" by Mustafa Sadiq al-Rafi'i (London: Huma Press 2013) - Book launch at Stanford University
A Compendium of Legal Opinions on the Operations of Islamic Banks, English translation with Arabic text, (London:
Institute of Islamic Banking and Insurance) Vol. I, 1997
A Compendium of Legal Opinions on the Operations of Islamic Banks, English translation with Arabic text,
(London: Institute of Islamic Banking and Insurance) Vol. II, March 2000.
A Compendium of Legal Opinions on the Operations of Islamic Banks, English translation with Arabic text, (London:
Institute of Islamic Banking and Insurance, Vol. III, March 2004
Imam Bukhari’s Book of Muslim Morals and Manners, English translation with Arabic text
and commentary on Imam Bukhari’s al-Adab al-Mufrad, (Beirut: Al-Sadawi Publications, 1997, 2nd ed. 1999)
A Sufi Study of Hadith, English translation with Arabic text on Maulana Thanwi’s Takashshuf `an Muhimmat al-Tasawwuf (London, Turath Publishing, 2011)
Source Methodology in Islamic Law: Usul al Fiqh al-Islami, English translation from the Arabic of Dr. Taha Jabir al Alwani, (Herndon: The International Institute of
Islamic Thought, 1991; revised edition published in 1994).
The Essential Hanafi Handbook of Fiqh, English translation from the Persian of Qadi Thana Allah of Paniput (d. 1810) on the basics of Islamic law. (Karachi: Majlis
al-Da`wah, 1978); reprinted by Kazi Publications, (Chicago, 1986), Adam Publishers (India). 3rd ed., revised, published as Essential Islamic Knowledge (Leicester, UK: Islamic Academy, 2003);
Remembrance and Prayer, English translation from the original Arabic of Shaykh Muhammad al Ghazali of Egypt (Leicester, UK: The Islamic Foundation, 1986, 1992 and 1999) and
(Maryland: Amana Press, 1996)
- Lughat al-Islam, Textbook of beginning Arabic in three parts used in Pakistani government schools. Over eight million copies were printed, and the work was adapted for an educational series
in 19 parts for television. (Pakistan: Textbook Boards of Pakistan, 1982-96).
- Legal Interpretations of the Qur'an Critical Arabic edition and annotation of the classical work by Abu Bakr al-Jassas (d..985) along with English translation of the same. (unpublished)
Chapters in Books
- "The Total Returns Swap and the "Shariah Conversion Technology" Strategem" reproduced in Kettle, Brian, Islamic Capital Markets,
United Kingdom, 2009, pp. 183-197
- "Certifying Sharia-Compliance in Financial Products: The Role of Islamic Values in Financial Decision-Making,"
Islamic Finance in Southeast Asia: Local Practice, Global Impact (Seattle, WA: National Bureau of Asian Research, 2008)
- "Law and Islamic Finance: An Interactive Analysis," co-authored with Michael McMillen in The Regulatory Challenge, edited by Rifaat Abdel Karim (John Wiley & Sons, Singapore, 2007)
- "A Shari`ah Scholar's Perspective on Islamic Retail Finance," in Islamic Retail Finance, edited by Suhail Jaffer, (London: Euromoney Books, 2005)
- “The Shariah Supervision of Islamic Investment Funds,” in Islamic Asset Management, edited by Suhail Jaffer, (London, Euromoney Books, 2004)
- Entries on the terminology of Islamic Finance in The Oxford Dictionary of Islam, John Esposito (New York: Oxford University Press, February 2003)
- “The Religious Foundations of Islamic Finance,” in Islamic Finance: Innovation and Growth, eds. Simon Archer and Rifaat Abdel Karim (London: Euromoney Books, 2002)
- “The Role of the Fiqh Councilor in North America,” in Muslims on the
Americanization Path, eds. Yvonne Haddad and John Esposito (New York: Oxford University Press, Jan. 1998)
Articles and Papers in Journals
- “Shariah Compliant Investment Opportunities in Commodities in the UAE” UAE Islamic
Financial Services Directory, Dubai Exports, 2011
- “Certifying Sharia-Compliance in Islamic Financial Products: The Role of Islamic Values
in Financial Decision-Making,” NBR Project Report, March 2008, pp. 47-59
- "The Black Box Syndrome," Islamic Finance News, Red Money, Kuala Lumpur, 2007
- "Compensation for an Obligation to Sell Currency in the Future: Currency Hedging," translated from the Arabic of Dr Nazih Hammad, The University of Chicago Journal of International Law,
upcoming in the Winter 2007 special issue on Islamic Finance.
- "Shariah Compliance Risk," The University of Chicago Journal of International Law, upcoming in the Winter 2007 special issue on Islamic Finance.
- “Shariah Supervision in Modern Islamic Finance,” in the ABANA Review (Newsletter of the Arab Bankers Association of North America), Fall 2002.
- “Shariah Supervision of Islamic Mutual Funds,” Proceedings of the Fourth Harvard Forum on Islamic Finance, 2001
- “Notes by Way of Introduction to the Section on Shari`ah,” Proceedings of the Second Harvard Forum on Islamic Finance, 1999
- “A Study of Weak and Spurious Hadith in al-Silafi’s Mujam al-Safar,” in Arabic, The Arabic Journal of the Islamic Research Institute, Islamabad, Pakistan, Fall, 1997
- “The Testimony of Women in Islamic Law,” American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, Summer 1996, vol. 13, no.2, translated from the Arabic of Dr. Taha Jabir al Alwani.
- “The Rights of the Accused,” American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, Fall 1994, vol. 11, no.3 and 4, translated from the Arabic of Dr. Taha Jabir al Alwani (published in two parts;
republished in the Arab Law Quarterly, London, in 1995).
Book Reviews
- Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World, in AJISS, Summer 2006, pp.94-97
- The Book of Revenue, Abu `Ubayd al-Qasim ibn Sallam, trans. by Dr. Imran Nyazee, American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, Winter 2004, vol. 21, no. 1.
- Islamic Law, Dr. Brandon Wheeler, State University of New York Press, American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, Spring 1998, vol. 14, no. 2.
- The Search for God’s Law, Dr. Bernard Weiss, University of Utah Press, American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, Fall 1994, vol. 11, no.4.
- Fundamentalism, Revivalism, and Violence in South East Asia, Bjorkman, (ed.), American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, Summer 1992, vol. 9 , no.2
Introductions to Books
Islamic Finance and the Shari'ah, Michael J. T. McMillen (USA: Riverstone Publishing Group)
- Contributo allo studio dei contratti Shari'a compliant, Tommaso Vito Russo (Napoli: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 2014)
- Thomson Reuters Guide to Islamic Finance, (Hong Kong: Thomson Reuters, 2011) Yusuf DeLorenzo, Principal Islamic Advisor
Islamic Capital Markets and Risk Management, Michael Malkneckt (London: Risk Books,
Islamic Wealth Manual, Dr Omar Fisher (Dubai & Virginia, 2008)
Islamic Bonds – Islamic Fixed Income Instruments, Nathif J. Adam and
Abdulkader Thomas (London, Euromoney Books, June, 2004).
The Lightbulb Guide to Understanding Islamic Investing, Virginia Morris and Brian Ingram (New York, Lightbulb Press, 2001).
The Lightbulb Guide to Understanding Islamic Home Finance, Virginia Morris and Abdulkader Thomas (New York, Lightbulb Press, 2002)